Build Your Own Lead: You get to decide what information you receive from the lead!
Only Pay For Info You ACTUALLY Use: We will always collect the info you need, name, address and phone. But YOU decide on the information hat you WANT.
100% Exclusive: Your leads are NEVER shared.
Lead Area Targeted: You decide on the maximum radius that we target.
Target Age: We target an age of 55 - 79 years of age. A great balance of higher premium and increased close ration, which mean greater ROI!
"Man oh man, I had a GREAT week!!! My 1st time ever to write over $3,700 AP!!! I wrote $11,499 AP!!!"
- Rebecca F. Alabama
"Last week I had 11 sits off of the FB leads, closed 8! (72% closing ratio). Today, I had 6 appts, 5 sits, 4 closed, for 7 apps... over $4k AP! Not to mention 1 more appt tonight... all from these Facebook Leads."
- John B. North Carolina
If a lead is outside the maximum radius requested, or the lead's age is outside of the age range 50-85, we will gladly replace the lead for you!